These pages provide an overview for the local leave laws in various locations around the US, and around the world.
See each page for reference on what employees are entitled to in terms of paid time off, vacation, holiday pay, sick leave, parental leave and more.
Note that these pages are for reference purposes only, not legal advice. Some information may be out of date or incomplete.
See the following pages for each US state’s leave laws, including how much vacation time, sick time, parental leave and other leave types are provided to employees based in these states.
See the following pages for reference on the leave laws and standard requirements around the world.
These pages are intended for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Please see official government sources or consult a legal professional for actual legal advice.
No more cluttered spreadsheets and manual data entry. Manage your entire team's leave, directly from Slack, and speed up your leave management workflow.
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