Voting Leave in the USA – Which States Require Paid Voting Leave?

Andrew Buck's avatar Andrew Buck September 2, 2024

Election day, and the lead-up to election day, can be a stressful time in the workplace. For team leaders or HR professionals, care needs to be taken as to how to address this topic, as many employees feel strongly about playing their part in the democratic process.

One topic that you’ll need to think about is voting leave – providing employees time off from work in order to hit the polls and vote.

In some states, this is an essential right entitled to employees. Read on and we’ll explain which states these are, any other rules regarding voting leave, and finally share some thoughts on navigating this time in your business.

Read More: check out each state’s PTO Payout Laws to learn what happens to unused PTO.

Which States Have Mandatory Voting Leave for Employees?

While federal law doesn’t require employers to give their employees time off to vote, some states do.

The majority provide paid time off for voting, which is usually around 2-3 hours on election day. And in most cases, if the employee has sufficient time with which to vote outside of working hours, they are not entitled to take time off work to vote.

The following states have no explicit voting leave laws:

The following states have laws entitling employees to voting leave:


Voting Leave Laws: State by State

Below, we’ve listed each US state, and what each state’s law says regarding voting leave; if employees are entitled to take time off work to vote, and whether or not they are entitled to be paid for this time off.

We’ve also included any important details you should know about voting leave laws in each state, such as how long employees are allowed to take off, and any other conditions.

Please note: we’ve strived to ensure the data below is accurate, but we are not legal professionals. For complete legal advice, seek out one of these professionals.


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? No


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? Sort of
Paid? No


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? No


Voting leave required by law? No

District of Columbia

Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? No


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? No


Voting leave required by law? No


Voting leave required by law? No


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? No


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? No


Voting leave required by law? No


Voting leave required by law? No


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? Sort of
Paid? No


Voting leave required by law? No


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? No


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? No


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes

New Hampshire

Voting leave required by law? No

New Jersey

Voting leave required by law? No

New Mexico

Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes

New York

Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes

North Carolina

Voting leave required by law? No

North Dakota

Voting leave required by law? No


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? No


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? No


Voting leave required by law? No

Rhode Island

Voting leave required by law? No

South Carolina

Voting leave required by law? No

South Dakota

Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? No


Voting leave required by law? No


Voting leave required by law? No

West Virginia

Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? No


Voting leave required by law? Yes
Paid? Yes

Should You Allow Employees Time Off to Vote?

In many cases, you may be legally required to let employees take time off to vote. It’s a good idea to follow the law in regards to this.

But what about if you’re in a state where voting leave is not legally required?

Though the law doesn’t require you to grant time off, it’s generally beneficial to do so anyway.

As mentioned earlier, many people feel very strongly about the democratic process, and denying people the ability to play their part may build up many ill feelings.

This won’t be good for the employer-employee relationship moving forward, and may cause significant harm to your company culture.

Ask yourself if it’s worth damaging culture in order to save a few hours of working time.

Long-term, it’s best to be generous and flexible with your employees on this day, even if there’s no legal requirement to do so.

How to Track Voting Leave In Your Company

If you allow employees time off for voting, prepare for a deluge of voting leave requests, and some disruption and confusion if not managed correctly.

We don’t recommend you deny employees time off to vote because of this potential inconvenience – instead, find an easy way to keep track of all voting leave requests.

Flamingo is the best way to manage this. 

Flamingo lets employees request voting leave in just a couple of clicks. They can specify whether they will take their leave in the morning or afternoon with our half days feature, and you can set this leave type to auto-approve, if you don’t want to manually approve each request.

Our automated notifications will give you a heads up prior to election day of who will be late in or off early in order to vote

Managing voting leave is just one reason to use Flamingo – across the whole year, it saves you countless hours handling leave requests, calculating accruals, and keeping track of who is on leave.

Try Flamingo free to see how much time and effort it saves your team.

Andrew Buck's avatar

Andrew Buck

Andrew is the content manager at Flamingo. He has managed teams in multiple industries, for both physical and remote businesses, and has experience dealing with the ins and outs of HR and leave management on a daily basis.

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